Acts 2:41 Sunday • Baptizing Coast-To-Coast

We will participate with Florida Baptist Churches Baptizing outdoors all over the state. Lakes, Ponds, Beaches, Public Swimming pools; every body of water will have churches baptizing those who desire to take their next step with Jesus. We will have a cookout for those who wish to stay around and fellowship afterward.

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Saturation Saturday

Join us as we taken the gospel to the house in our community. We pray over each house and leave information about our church and the gospel. Just one way to take the gospel to Sarasota.

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Gideon Sunday

The ministry of personal evangelism and distributing the Word of God makes the Gideons a phenomenal organization to support. Our church is going to support this necessary ministry with a presentation as well as a love offering for their ministry. They will present in the 10:30 am service what they do.

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Ministry Friends Lunch

No Agendas. Just want to get people in ministry together. There is no cost. No offering will be taken. No one will hit you up for a project or sell you something. Just want to just our pastors together to pray for our communities. There is a free gift provided by Pastor Livingston for all the men in attendance. Eventually, this group could develop into a place to share ideas and resources that helped us reach people for Christ. Mostly, I just want to encourage the men on the front lines for Jesus. Shoot and just tell him you are in. You can also just text 941.526.6747. Just want to know how many free lunches to make! Hope to see you there. We will eat at 11:00 and have prayer afterward. Feel free to leave whenever you need to or hang out and get to know each other. See you there!

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Resurrection Sunday

It is always a special time to celebrate Easter as a church family. We will hear several songs from our choir, enjoy warm breakfast bites in the lobby, and hear a challenge from Pastor’s series called “End Game” You won’t want to miss this. Food will start being served at 10 AM and the service is at 10:30 AM.

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Senior Adult Luncheon

Join our Senior Adults as we gather for our monthly meeting. This month, we will have a special guest from meals on wheels presenting. Please bring $2 for fried Chicken and a side dish or dessert to share. We start at 11 am!

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Special Guest

Christian Baker will be speaking in our evening service. Christian is a recent graduate of Liberty University and former member and long time friend of our church

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Southside Comment