The Best Is Yet To Come
The new theme for our church in 2018 is going to center on the phrase "The Best Is Yet To Come". The Bible is filled with illustrations of the lives of people who could have given up. There situations and circumstances were grim and the thought that there was no hope for the future could easily have overcome them. Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone could have whispered to them the rest of the story. Growing up, I remember my dad was a big fan of listening to NPR and would frequently tell me about the latest story from Paul Harvey and the "Rest of the Story". There was more going on in each of these Bible characters lives than they could even fathom. God always had a unique plan for each of these circumstances and without fail the truth remained that the best was truly yet to come.
It would have been easy to get discouraged one Friday (or Thursday) when the sky went black. Jesus was on the cross. An innocent Man crucified for crimes He had never committed. It would be easy to be disheartened seeing a Son say goodbye to His mother from a cross. But this is all on Friday.... Sunday is Coming. We don't get the advantage of seeing things from an eternal perspective. God sees the end before the beginning. There is no worry or fear in God Almighty. He sees the conclusion before the commencement. Not only can He see through the darkest valley, but He also sees past the hills, bends, mountains, and mole hills.
When we are in those dark or difficult times, it is important to remember that God works all things together for our good. We may not know where He is leading, we just need to know that He is in the lead. We may not know exactly what He is doing, we just need to remember that He is working. The best truly is yet to come. When you feel like you have been abandoned by God remember that He is always near and always working for our good. The Best Is Yet To Come!